Fast Traxx Website

Client: Fast Traxx
Services: Website Design, UI
The Brief

I recently had the pleasure of designing a new website for a company that specialise in portable bike tracks for events. The client approached me as he wanted a new online presence to approach to new markets such as alternative sports brands.

Fast Traxx website planning by Harry Graham
The Approach

As well as just appealing to a new market I wanted to make sure the new website improved business for Fast Traxx. After researching the market and the problems with the current website, I discovered the new website had to achieve three main goals:

  1. Build trust and appeal to potential customers
  2. Make it easy to book and get in touch
  3. Make the hiring process clear

I then created a document outlining the agreed website objectives and possible solutions. This acted as a reference point to make sure the design stayed on track and gave myself and the client a clear way to measure the the performance of the finished website.

Using quick scribbled wireframes, I started visualising solutions to the goals. I tested and dismissed several layout ideas before I arrived at a single page website with a vertical menu on the left. The vertical menu allowed a clear CTA to be visible at all times, a background video instantly showed the track at large events and built trust, and the large sections allowed information to be easily scanned. The hiring process was broken down into visual steps to make it easier to understand and emphasis on testimonials and staff profiles showed off their experience and personality.

Fasttraxx Wireframe ux

Building on the brand’s existing personality, the design aimed to be playful and edgy to appeal to alternative sports brands whilst remaining professional and trustworthy (the company deals a lot with councils and authorities). I used background videos of the track in use and css animations to illustrate the speed of the sport and make the website fun to interact with. To ensure the company appeared trustworthy and professional I used bold, clear typography with easy to digest information.

Fast Traxx Web Design
Fast Traxx UI Design
Fast Traxx Mobile website